PM Group S.p.A. is a leading Italian manufacturer of truck mounted hydraulic cranes for over 50 years. Building a strong tradition of technology and innovation has allowed PM to establish sound professional relations and win over ever-larger market shares in Italy and abroad. With head offices located in San Cesario S/P, in the Italian province of Modena, PM also operates in foreign markets through direct sales offices in all the continents of the world. At present, PM product range includes over 50 series, with over 350 possible configurations. From design to structural building, from material quality control to final inspections, everything is done in the two PM plants. With 130,000sqm of property, including 62,000sqm of indoor space, the plants are located in San Cesario S/P, Modena and in Arad (Romania). In over a century of business, PM has always focused on technology research, product innovation, and service that meet the most stringent quality standards, which is why PM cranes are still sold in over 100 countries worldwide.
Division: Transportation
Category: Knuckle Boom Truck Mounted